A regra de 2 minutos para Pensa Brasil

Zero problema utilizando Lira, diz Bolsonaro um POR DIA após ameaça de presidente da Câmara Líder do centrãeste havia cobrado mudança de rumos do governo na pandemia; nesta quarta se encontrou usando Bolsonaro

Biden negocia con México para retornar a todos los migrantes de que lleguen a la frontera excepto a los menores

.. The purpose of this checklist is to enhance compliance and adherence with the public health measures outlined in the recently-updated Considerations for... Download Read More 4 November 2020 Considerations for implementing and adjusting public health and social measures in the context of COVID-19

Reabrieron el Canal por Suez, pero aún pelo pueden desencallar al gigantesco buque qual bloqueó el paso

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El ministro do Asuntos Exteriores, Ernesto Araújo, había esbozado cinco medidas de modo a los primeros cem días do la administración por Bolsonaro. Las Destes primeras fueron visitas oficiales del presidente Bolsonaro a Estados Unidos e Israel; el tercero fue revisar las políticas del Mercosur; el cuarto fue restaurar el escudo de armas a la tapa del pasaporte brasileño; y el quinto fue terminar con los requisitos de visa para ciudadanos estadounidenses y canadienses.[101]​

Em 2019 Covid-19 Brasil fue fuertemente criticado por otras naciones por el aparente desinteré especialmentes del Gobierno en cumplir sus compromisos medioambientales. Ejemplo claro de ello fue su retiro del Acuerdo do París, siguiendo la línea do Estados Unidos.

ВчераВ Крыму Presidente Bolsonaro сравнили планы выселить россиян с «нашествием рептилоидов»

And there is also the case of him giving the green light for Boeing to buy Embraer[19]. Again, the best way to look into this is making a thought experiment: how would the US citizens react if their government decided to sell Boeing to the Chinese or Russians. You know, Pensa Brasil one of the companies full of industrial and military secrets being bought by someone else. To add even more salt to the patriotic wound, Embraer is the sole loser of the deal, giving its full portfolio of planes and technology while receiving pretty much nothing Armamento in exchange.

Another order gives the Agriculture Ministry the authority to designate indigenous lands, paving the way for agricultural development in areas that were previously off limits.

Militantes contra Bolsonaro arremessaram pedras contra a polícia, de que revidou usando balas do borracha

THE PAPER SUGGESTS the use of concepts and practices related to rethoric as an analytical instrument to deal with intelectual history in Brazil. Intellectual history is taken in its strict sense of history of discursive forms of thought.

On another front, Carlos Bolsonaro very quickly posted on his twitter[85] (and later deleted) the audio logs of the porter's calls on the day of the murder. However, this raised more questions than it answered:

Bolsonaro has also had some unsavory views on his country's indigenous people, somehow even finding a way to be xenophobic to them in their own country.

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